Benefit Cost Ratio of Buds Chips Planting and its Effects on Yield and Quality of Sugarcane

Abdul Khaliq, Arshad Mahmood, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad, Muhammad Ashfaq Nadeem, Naeem Ahmad, Rashad ul Sher, Muhammad Rizwan Khursheed


Background: High price and poor quality of seed material is a great concern to Farmers. Sugarcane seed is 20% of total cost of production. Cane Growers used setts having 2-3 buds with 8-10 t ha-1 cane stalk as Seed. The large quantity of seed carriages a great problematic in handling, transport, seed treatment for diseases, storage ,  viability of buds and their germination. The use of bud chips is less bulky, easily handling in seed treatment, storage and transportation.

Methods: In this view, a research experiment was designed at Sugarcane Research Institute, Faisalabad during 2016 and 2017, to study the feasibility of bud chips as an alternate to conventional planting in sugarcane crop. The experiment was planted with sugarcane variety CPF-252 in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement having three replications.

Results: The results of study revealed that setts planting on 15 April gave maximum cane (61 t ha-1) and sugar yield (7.15 t ha-1). While bud chips sown on 15 April produced higher yield. The benefit cost ratio (BCR) was high in bud chips planting (1.63) than setts planting of sugarcane.

Conclusion: The study concludes that bud chip planting on 15 April is an improved technique with greater potential to provide disease free seed, improve the yield with minimum quantity of seed than conventional planting.

Keywords: Bud chips; Seedling; Setts; Benefit cost ratio

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