Use of Biological Agents to Control the Number of Halyomorpha halys Stål

Irina S. Agasyeva, Vladimir Ya. Ismailov, Maria Petrishcheva, Anton S. Nastasiy


Background: Halyomorpha halys Stål, commonly known as the brown marmorated stink bug, poses a significant threat to various crops, necessitating repeated seasonal insecticide applications for control. However, these methods carry environmental and human health risks. Considering these concerns, there is a pressing need to explore alternative, eco-friendly approaches to managing H. halys populations. This study sets out to investigate innovative strategies that minimize reliance on harmful chemicals while still effectively controlling the stink bug menace. By delving into the realm of sustainable pest management, the aim is to develop methods that strike a balance between pest control efficacy and environmental stewardship. This study aims to explore eco-friendly approaches to managing H. halys populations.

Methods: The research involved monitoring the population dynamics of H. halys in the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory, Russia. It also evaluated the efficacy of local parasitic insects Pediobius cassidae and Anastatus bifasciatus in reducing pest infestations, conducted laboratory tests on the insecticidal properties of essential oils from plants such as wormwood, coriander, and Siberian fir, and performed field trials on biological control agents.

Results: Infestation rates by parasitic insects remained relatively low, ranging from 5-10%. Laboratory experiments demonstrated the potent insecticidal properties of essential oils derived from wormwood, coriander, and Siberian fir. Field trials further confirmed significant mortality rates of H. halys specimens when exposed to biological control agents.

Conclusions: The study underscores the potential efficacy of utilizing parasitic insects and plant-derived essential oils in managing H. halys populations. These findings offer practical insights for promoting sustainable agricultural practices in the central zone of the Krasnodar Territory.

Keywords: Brown marmorated stink bug; Biorational insecticides; Essential oils  

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