Antidiabetic Activity and Pancreatic Histopathology Analysis of Averrhoa bilimbi L. Leaves Extract on Alloxan-Induced Diabetes on Wistar Mice

Tridiganita Intan Solikhah, Ragil Kusnandar Miftakhurrozaq, Aswin Rafif Khairullah


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a multi-etiological metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, total or relative insulin deficiency, and further complications by metabolic disorders. Drug therapy for diabetes mellitus is costly and fraught with potential side effects. The aim of this research is to investigate antidiabetic and histopathological analysis of ethanolic A. bilimbi leaves extract in alloxan induced diabetic mice.

Methods: Wuluh starfruit leaves is one of Indonesia's plants that can be used to treat diabetes mellitus. Thirty male Wistar mice were divided into five groups as follows: Negative control group that didn't receive any treatment, Diabetes control group that received alloxan 150 mg/kg, Positive control group that received glibenclamide 600 μg/kg, and lastly the two test groups that received A. bilimbi leaves extract 150 and 300 mg/kg orally for 14 days. After extract administration, blood glucose and histopathological alterations in the pancreas of diabetic mice were observed.

Results: Alloxan to the diabetes control group significantly raised blood glucose levels compared to the negative control group. Administration of wuluh starfruit leaves extract and glibenclamide could significantly lower blood sugar levels compared to the diabetic control group. Administration of wuluh starfruit leaves extract treatment and glibenclamide also showed favorable effect on the histopathological changes of the pancreas in alloxan induced diabetes.

Conclusion: The study concludes the administration of wuluh starfruit leaves extract (150 and 300 mg/kg) and glibenclamide could reduce blood glucose levels and can help with cell regeneration and protecting pancreatic cells from damage caused by alloxan.

Keywords: A. bilimbi leaves extract; Alloxan; Diabetes; Pancreatic histopathology  

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