Evaluation of Micro-RNA Expression Profiling Level as Biomarkers for Diagnosis and Gene Sequencing in Patients Suffering from Breast Cancer

Rasha H. Al-Rikabi, Nagui H. Fares, Mahmmad A. AL Faham, Abdel Hady A. Abdel Wahab


Background: Human bloodstream microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as a promising predictive and diagnostic biomarker for a range of cancers, including breast cancer. Our objective was to look into new miRNA biomarkers for diagnosis in the serum of patients with breast cancer and track the expression levels at different stages using miRNA profiling.

Methods: 53 breast cancer patients and 10 healthy controls had blood samples tested for three miRNAs. miRNAs were extracted from blood and evaluated using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. After extracting genomic DNA, miRNA primer-produced PCR products were sequenced to discover point mutations that may contribute to the illness.

Results: After examining miR195, miR200b, and miR331, breast cancer patients had a significantly lower miR195 level than healthy persons. In addition, miR200b expression levels were significantly lower in breast cancer patients than in healthy individuals. In advanced stages, miR331 expression was substantially higher than in healthy people.

Conclusion: The findings of our study demonstrated a significant association between the expression of miRNAs and the prognosis of breast cancer. Additional research is necessary to study better the correlation between these circulating miRNAs and the stages of breast cancer.

Keywords: Breast cancer; Circulating miRNAs; miR195; miR200b; miR331 RT PCR; Gene Sequencing  

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v11i3.2910


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