Microbial forensics: are we going on right path for management of crops biosecurity in Pakistan?

Ishrat Aziz, Saadat Ali, Zia Rehman, Sitwat Aman, Ahmad Ali Shahid


In any country biological terrorism outbreaks on crops could reduce the quality and quantity of agricultural products, which in turn decreases the consumer’s confidence, nutrition loss, resulting in worse impacts on the nation’s economy, international souks and is subsequently harmful for the environment. Awareness for a crop bioterror incident begins with the start of the threat symptoms, which must lead to the progress of a plan to thwart. However, most of Pakistani scientists and crop producers have not focused on the option of deliberative plant pathogen introduction but instead they use their expertise for the prevention of natural introductions and the improvement of cost-effective strategies for disease management.  It is also an interesting fact that under the mask of genetically modified feeds, high yield varieties and hybrids; we are also importing bio terrorism. Are we going on the right path?  So, it is time that we should review the global microbial knowledge and should apply it according to our needs. In ongoing topics of present article, we will review the microbial forensics status globally in comparison with Pakistan. We will also suggest how to fill these gaps. 

Keywords: Biological terrorism; Microbial forensics; Pathogen; Plants; Crops; Biosecurity


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v11i3.1148


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