Potential of Camel Dung as Promising Organic Manure in Saudi Arabia

Eitimad Hashim Abdel-Rahman, Fawzia Saleh Alzahrani, Abdel Moneim El Hadi Sulieman


Energy consumption in Saudi Arabia (KSA) is growing rapidly due to the high living standards, population growth and urbanization rates. KSA has planned for the development and use of biomass renewable energy sources, which are available abundantly, carbon-neutral and climate mitigation source. The main purpose of this review article is to analyze and discuss the challenges and opportunities of Camel Manure (CM) as an effective management of the livestock waste, and its potential development in the management of biomass and energy technology (BETM). The trends in the camel population growth projected at approximately 1.6 million camels in the Arab Peninsula and approximately 53% of the total in KSA with untapped manure falling along with the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) making them ideal for energy extractions and applications in remote and rural areas. Research is needed to assess camel manure resources (supply and demand), the technology scope for economic, energy capacity and application evaluation to fill energy potential and challenges applications for KSA.

Keywords: Camel Manure; Biomass; Bioenergy; Manure Technology; KSA


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v7i4.957


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