Comparison of Genetic Diversity Indicators in Samples of Artificial and Natural Populations of Russian Sturgeon and Beluga at the Mouth of the Ural River

Nurbek Ginayatov, Vadim Ulyanov, Indira Beishova, Tatyana Ulyanova, Aziza Sidarova, Alexandr Kovalchuk, Bekbol Sariyev, Ulbolsyn Kuzhebayeva, Anna Bakhareva, Kuantar Alikhanov


Background: Despite its ecological adaptability, sturgeon exhibits a low nuclear DNA evolution rate, enabling the use of the same primer sets for analyzing different Acipenseriformes species. The purpose of the paper was to analyze the indicators of genetic polymorphism of sturgeon populations in closed water supply systems compared with natural populations for conservation and restoration.

Methods: 147 sturgeon specimens, including Acipenser gueldenstaedtii and Huso huso, were selected from natural populations in the Ural River delta and artificial populations in aquaculture farms. DNA was extracted from fin tissues, and genetic diversity was assessed using seven short tandem repeat markers.

Result: The study showed significant genetic diversity in natural and artificial populations. Natural A. gueldenstaedtii populations demonstrated a higher level of genetic diversity (He=0.871, Ne=8.691) compared with artificial A. gueldenstaedtii populations (He=0.829, Ne=5.980). Similarly, artificial H. huso populations showed lower genetic diversity (He=0.554, Ne=2.704) than natural populations (He=0.663, Ne=3.238).

Conclusion: The analysis showed a deficiency of heterozygotes at many loci due to inbreeding, which highlights the importance of genetic management in aquaculture practice. The results highlight the need to implement genetic management strategies in sturgeon aquaculture to preserve genetic diversity and prevent inbreeding. Regular genetic monitoring and strategic breeding programs are recommended to ensure the sustainability and persistence of cultivated and natural sturgeon populations.

Keywords: Short tandem repeat; DNA polymorphism; Diversity, Huso huso; Acipenser gueldenstaedtii 

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