Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues Contaminating Vegetables and Fruits in Sudan are a Major Public Health Hazard

Gasmelseed Y. Ahmed, Ahmed A. Osman, Ahlam Mukhtar, Wala M. Awad


Background: Organophosphorus pesticides (OP) are a diverse group of compounds. Extensive application of these chemicals in Sudan increases the risk of food and water contamination. We aimed to identify the occupational hazard on sellers and consumers resulting from exposure to organophosphorus through measurement of blood (AChE) enzyme activity.

Methods: This is a community-based study conducted at the Khartoum vegetable market, where 219 sellers and consumers were consented and recruited consequently. Data on demographics and pesticides exposure was collected and blood for acetylcholinesterase enzyme (AChE) activity was withdrawn and tested in a Lovibond machine.

Results: 139 (63.5%) of the participants were males with a mean age of 41.6 ± 12.9 years. Educational levels: 83 (37.9%) elementary school, 52 (23.8%) middle and high school, 54 (24.6%) college and above, and 30 (13.7%) were illiterate. More than half 129 (58.9%) were consumers and the remaining 90 (41.1%) were sellers. Univariate analysis revealed sellers having a significantly more proportion of impaired acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity compared to consumers, [33 (36.6%) versus 9 (7%), p-value 0.001]. Moreover, the mean (AChE) activity for whole respondents was lower than the physiologic mean of unexposed people (82.3% versus 87.5%). Independent t-test revealed significantly impaired (AChE) activity among sellers (74.9% versus 87.5%), (P-value = 0.001).

Conclusion: People exposed to agricultural chemical pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits have impaired (AChE), with a significantly lower rate of the enzyme among products’ sellers in reference to consumers and to the physiological values of unexposed. A larger community-based study evaluating exposures to pesticides is highly recommended.

Keywords: Agricultural Chemicals; Organophosphorus Pesticides; Chemical Residues; Chemical Contamination; Acetylcholinesterase Enzyme; Sudan  

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