Inoculation of wheat with Azospirillum sp. bacteria and study of their germinated portions effects on common carp performance and health aspects

Shahen Kamil Talabani, Shadia Ali Abid, Nasreen MohiAlddin Abdulrahman, Hawar Sleman Hama Halshoy, Shram Hoshyar Karim


Background: As the germinated wheat regarded as a natural source of prebiotic, and the importance of prebiotic on performance and health of fish, so the effect of feed containing various amount of germinated wheat as a natural source of prebiotic, on growth performance, blood chemical, immunity indices, health and biological parameters in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.).

Methods: The first experiment started by planting pots in the plastic house, the pots arranged according to a Randomized Complete Design (RCD) layout with three replications. In each replication, ten seeds planted in the pots. The replications divided and arranged on 2 treatments, a control treatment taken in which seeds will be not inoculated with Azospirillum bacteria, the second treatment inoculated seeds with Azospirillum species which isolated from soil and culturing on its selective media then incubated at 28 0C for 7 days, after that the colonies of bacteria activated in its broth culture media at 28 0C for 3 days and it will be used as a liquid inoculum for the seeds. The second experiment the rearing of fish conducted at the Fish diseases Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine/ University of Sulaimani. 100 common carp (Cyprinus. carpio L.) reared for70 days.

Result: Negative control T1 was higher significantly in Hepatic somatic index, T1 and T3 in Gills somatic index. T4 increased significantly in FCR, and Intestine Length index. T3 and T5 increased growth performance parameters and Feed and Protein efficiency ratio. T1, T3, and T4 increased the Intestine weight index. T4 and T5 increased the RBC. T3, T4, and T5 increased the ALT, and Globulin. MCH, MCHC, Lymphocytes, and CKI increased significantly in T5. All treatment groups increased each of Condition factor, and Granulocytes as compared to negative control. No significant differences seen in both Kidney, Spleen somatic index, Hb.

Conclusion: According to the results obtained the inoculation of wheat with Azospirillum sp. bacteria enhance the common carp performance and health aspects by means of some biological parameters.

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