Enhancing Indigenous Knowledge to Enhance Food Security in Rice Field Agroecosystems of Pinrang Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Ida Rosada, . Nurliani, Farizah Dhaifina Amran, . Nurhapsa, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin


Background: The traditional agricultural system is a cultivation system that has been passed down from generation to generation so that it becomes the local knowledge of farmers in carrying out cultivation activities. Traditional agriculture in Samaulue Village still maintains local wisdom. In the life of the community, there are social values that form local wisdom and have become part of everyday life.

Methods: The population in this study were all farmer households in Samaulue Village. The number of research samples was 50 rice farmer households. The method of determining the sample using a simple random sampling. The analytical method used in exploring the potential for local wisdom values in supporting food security is a qualitative descriptive method and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This research is a qualitative research.

Results: There are three forms of local wisdom that were carried out before planting, three during the provision of seeds and the initial planting, and the traditions before harvest and harvest that are still being carried out are two. The dimensions of food security from the aspect of food availability, people rely on the availability of food that comes from their land, buying at local markets or rice selling kiosks or at rice mills in their area; in terms of food access, the main food needs of the families are fulfilled from agricultural products, while for additional food needs and daily needs are available in stalls or shops and kiosks; lastly for the food absorption dimension, the families underwent a pattern of eating three times a day.

Conclusion: Local wisdom which refers to local culture in rice farming production activities includes: tudang sipulung, mappalili and mappammula (pre-planting activities), mampo and mappammula mattaneng (seed provision and initial planting activities). The form of local wisdom is preparing food reserves in the household because the tradition of mappatala (eating together), pamali (not allowed) to empty the rice container (pabbarassengeng) in the house and has brought the rice field agro-ecosystem community never experiencing hunger, even though there is a scarcity of rice.

Keywords: Local Wisdom; Food Security; Rice Field Agroecosystem; Production; Consumption  

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.62940/als.v11i1.2213


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