Serological and Hematological Studies of the Blood of Calves in the Experimental Use of the Medication Triazavirin

Tatiana Reshetnikova, Tatyana Krylova


Background: In intensive animal husbandry management, the high disease occurrence in young animals remains an urgent problem, which is a direct consequence of the crowded placement of animals and insufficiently strong immune systems. The paper describes the study of the effect of the antiviral medication Triazavirin on the activity of humoral immunity and the level of specific antibodies in the blood serum of calves.

Methods: Hematological and serological studies were carried out. The experiment involved 40 calves of the black-and-white breed, aged one month, with an average weight of 50 kg, without clinical signs of diseases. For this experiment, two groups of calves were formed using the analog method. The animals in the first and second groups received the medication in dosages of 62.5 mg and 1,000 mg by inhalation and orally, respectively.

Results: In the first group, hematological studies showed the presence of leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, and agranulocytosis. When studying the level of antibodies in the blood serum, a decrease in the level of antibodies was discovered, which indicates a therapeutic effect and a decrease in the number of viral particles. The titer level of specific antibodies was at the same level, which was associated with taking the medication and activating adaptive mechanisms of the body's defense. In hematological studies of the blood of animals of the second group, leukocytosis was noted. When studying the level of antibodies in the blood serum, it was noted that the level of antibodies had decreased by 40%. The titer level of specific antibodies was at the same level.

Conclusion: The results obtained made it possible to recommend the use of the antiviral medication in question for the treatment of respiratory diseases in calves. The authors present conclusions on the effectiveness of the inhalation route of administration of the medication for viral pathogenic agent control.

Keywords: Calves; Antiviral medication; Blood; Antibody titer; Hematological; Serological studies  

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