Category Archive: Uncategorized

New Issue Published Vol6(2)

We are excited to announce the release of our Vol 6 Issue 2. This time in our multidisciplinary reads you can read articles on Forensic entomology; Human cryptosporidiosis; Human phylogenetic study on basis of 46 ancient mitochondrial genomes; meta-analysis on rice leaf spot disease in Punjab and Protein engineering of CeIR for enhanced expression.   …

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Seven Days in Life

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18 – 24 February 2019   ‘Reprogrammed’ stem cells to treat spinal-cord injuries for the first time Approval from Japanese regulators means that trials of induced pluripotent stem cells can begin later this year. Find source   Gene-edited animal creators look beyond US market Tired of regulatory confusion and a lack of funding, some US researchers …

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Seven Days in Life


11 – 17 February 2019   Major medical journals don’t follow their own rules for reporting results from clinical trials A study finds that papers describing the results of clinical trials often fail to properly report outcomes. Find source   Indian payment-for-papers proposal rattles scientists Researchers say the policy could intensify existing issues with research quality …

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Seven Days in Life


04 – 10 February 2019   Web of Science is coming to Pakistan Web of Science shall interect with more than 100 Pakistani universities and journals at a conference to focus on transforming the research ecosystem in the country.  Find source   Indian government to boost stipend for early-career scientists The Indian government announced last week …

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Seven Days in Life


28 Jan – 03 Feb 2019   Indian court’s decision to uphold GM cotton patent could boost industry research Indian scientists have welcomed a supreme court ruling that reinstates a patent on GM cotton that had been quashed by a lower court. Find source   Gene modified chickens 'lay medicines' Researchers at the University of Edinburgh's Roslin …

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Web of Science Conference


We are very excited to annouce that Advancements in Life Sciences and Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Lahore are organizing one day Web of Sciences conference entitled "International Scholarly Publishing from Pakistan" at National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Lahore on 11th March 2019 collaboration with HEC.  This is a …

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Seven Days in Life


21 - 27 January 2019   Japan’s approval of stem-cell treatment for spinal-cord injury concerns scientists Japan has approved a stem-cell treatment for spinal-cord injuries. The event marks the first such therapy for this kind of injury to receive government approval for sale to patients.  Find source   CRISPR-baby scientist fired by university Investigation by Chinese authorities finds …

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Seven Days in Life


14 - 20 January 2019   China's Moon mission sees first cotton seeds sprout Seeds taken up to the Moon by China's Chang'e-4 mission have sprouted and died, says China National Space Administration.  Find source   DNA pioneer James Watson loses honours over race remarks Nobel laureate Dr Watson has been stripped of the last of his …

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Seven Days in Life


07 - 13 January 2019   Super-gonorrhoea spread causes 'deep concern' Two women in the UK have been infected with super-gonorrhoea, sparking deep concern from sexual health doctors.  Find source     Cheap common drugs may help mental illness Cheap and widely used drugs for diabetes and heart health have potential for treating severe mental illness, a …

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Seven Days in Life


31 December 2018 - 06 January 2019   What’s coming up in 2019? People are forecasting  areas of research and policy likely to make news this year.  Find source     Genetic data on half a million Brits reveal ongoing evolution and Neanderthal legacy Among participants in the UK Biobank are people whose Neanderthal DNA predisposes them …

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