Category Archive: Uncategorized

Seven Days in Life


31 August – 06 September 2015   TNT-Resistant Natural Plant Scientists reported an unusual mutation in Arabidopsis thaliana enabling it to resist the harmful reactions from TNT explosive. The mutation present in the MDHAR6 gene removes TNT from soil, without any damage, making it a powerful herbicide that can be exploited to kill unwanted weeds. Find …

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Seven Days in Life


24 – 30 August 2015   Brazilian Geneticists are Confronting Wildlife Smuggling Up to $2 billion worth of rare wildlife species, particularly parrots, are illegally smuggled every year from the Brazilian forests. Geneticist have finally stood up to investigate against smuggling through ribosomal sequencing which would help the police in bird identification. Find source     One …

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Volume 2, Issue 4


Advancements in Life Sciences is successfully completing its two years of continuous, timely and peer reviewed publication by publishing 4th issue of the 2nd volume. This issue includes review article and research papers from fields of Biotechnology, Health, Epidemiology and Agriculture. This time we majorly picked articles from health and epidemiology sections along with representation of agriculture and biotechnology chapters. All …

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Seven Days in Life


17 – 23 August 2015   Typhoid Crises in Nepal Another devastating news emerging from Nepal as post-earthquake conditions are increasing risk of a typhoid epidemic. Investigators say that an immediate countrywide vaccination programme is necessary otherwise this epidemic will be more disastrous than the earthquake. Find source    Introducing the Weight Reducing Brown Fat Implants Scientists at University …

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Seven Days in Life


10 – 16 August 2015   Promoting Food Security between SAARC Countries Board of SAARC Agriculture Centre decided to ensure regional food security by promoting joint programs and exchanging innovative technologies between the member countries. It is definitely a big step for the mutual benefit of these nations. Find source    Octopus genome sequenced The genome of most …

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Seven Days in Life

Final collage

03 - 09 August 2015   Another Blow to GM Crops Scottish government has reportedly banned cultivation of GM crops by going contrary to European consent for such production. They are set to “save their famous natural environment”. Find source      Probably the biggest breakthrough in stem cells research Researchers have found a Chemical treatment to transforms skin …

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Seven Days in Life


26 July - 02 August 2015   Putting Ebola to its End A vaccine produced by Merck is claimed to having 100% success against Ebola virus which is now 18 months long epidemic. This virus claimed hundreds of lives in Africa and stirred a worldwide concern in early 2015. FInd source   Restarting heart? Are you serious? Cancer-prone cell are …

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Seven Days in Life

complete collage

20 July - 26 July 2015   First bioinc eye implanted Surgeons from UK successfuly implanted a bioinic eye (which is actualy a camera sending signals to brain) to a patient who had lost his central vision due to aging. This is the first experiment of its kind and vibrant aspects. FInd source Brain Eating Amoeba in Karachi …

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Seven Days in Life

This Week

With science we can imagine a world without illness and diseases. Therefore, this week scientists worked out different treatments from their massive researches to find a possible cure for mitochondrial ailments and neurological disorders such as epilepsy and depression. Owing to such successes entrepreneurs in UK have started to show interest through record high funding …

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Seven Days in Life

Full collage

If you ever thought about medical tourism and word "India" came to your mind then think carefully. Patients with very high drug resistance in cases of TB are reported by WHO. More bad for health happened for face and hand transplantations as United Network ethical board has banned these surgeries. Even worse, Russia shut down science …

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