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Seven Days in Life


16 – 22 November 2015   Manipulatable Electronic plants are reality now Researchers have developed bionic plants with digital electronic circuits inside them, which can aid in studying plant physiology in addition to genetically engineering plants. Find source    Artificial Bionic vocal cords made in lab Scientist have successfully grown functional vocal cord tissue in a laboratory …

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Seven Days in Life


09 - 15 November 2015   Countries with highest spending on health A list featuring countries spending the highest fortune on health is revealed this week. US is first on the chart with more than $8000 amount per capita on account of health. Find source      Glyphosate (herbicide) causes cancer. No it doesn't. European Food Safety Authority …

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Seven Days in Life


02 – 08 November 2015   First success of the CRISPR gene editing technology Gene editing is becoming increasingly popular in research and clinical trials. This time gene editing helped push a 1-year-old girl’s leukemia into remission. This is the first case of cancer cure through CRISPR technology. Find source    Human Chimeras. Yes or No? NIH …

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Seven Days in Life


 25 October – 01 November 2015   Reproducible Biomedical research Research and results that cannot be reproduced is one of the most debated issues in science. Academy of Medical Sciences, jointly with the BBSRC, MRC and Wellcome Trust from UK have jointly released a report on the issue. Find source    DNA evidence could bust the wrong …

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Seven Days in Life


19 – 25 October 2015   A woman who can smell Parkinson's disease A woman from Scotland rightfully claims that she can smell Parkinson's disease. She had husband who died of this illness. During a long term stay with him she noticed a change in his smell from normal to something different. This news has …

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Seven Days in Life


05 – 11 October 2015   DNA repair bags the Nobel Prize The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015 was awarded jointly to Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich and Aziz Sancar "for mechanistic studies of DNA repair". The discovery of these details came from the research going on for curing cancer. Find source  Elephants are immune to Cancer …

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Seven Days in Life


28 September – 04 October 2015   To quench the water thirst.. After revelation of water on Mars, scientists are moving even deeper to find this 'matter' of life o different planets and their moons. Any presence of life above us could change our entirely as we know. Find source    Cancer drug curing memory issues What …

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Seven Days in Life


21 - 27 September 2015   Are viruses alive? Another argument arose in favor of 'alive' viruses to augment the 'viruses are dead/alive' debate. Scientists take back it to the time when cells and viruses were not its shape as today. Virus’s role in evolution of cell makes them alive, they say. Find source   Germany starts searching …

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Seven Days in Life


14 – 20 September 2015   U.K researcher seeks permission for editing embryonic genes UK researcher Kathy Niakan, a developmental biologist, who is investigating the expression of early genes in embryonic cells hopes to use genome editing technology. However, the legal implications of the study are still under consideration. Find source   “Tree of Life”- Largest …

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Seven Days in Life


07 - 13 September 2015   Polio strikes back in Ukraine and Mali Polio vaccines are again under criticism as the virus is detected in Ukraine and Mali. Expert are saying that it is vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV). This incident will support further the voices against live vaccines. Find source   3D technology to help patients In Spain, …

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