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Seven Days in Life


 19 - 25 September 2016   Facebook couple aims to 'cure' all disease  Famous owner of the scoial website Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have laid out plans to invest $3bn over the next 10 years with the not insignificant goal of tackling all diseases. Find source     Science’s 1%: How income inequality …

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Seven Days in Life


 12 – 18 September 2016   Bayer's $66bn takeover bid of Monsanto  German chemical giant Bayer’s $66bn (£50bn) deals to buy controversial US agrochemical giant Monsanto and create the world’s largest seeds and pesticides company. Find source     Making babies without eggs may be possible Scientists say early experiments suggest it may one day be …

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Seven Days in Life

Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (04 - 11 September 2016)

 05 - 11 September 2016   Pakistani scientists discover 30 new genes causing mental retardation A group of Pakistani researchers has discovered some 30 genes causing mental retardation in the local population, paving the way for preventive measures to reduce intellectual disabilities in the future generations. Find source Umeå researcher served a world first CRISPR meal For …

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Seven Days in Life

dna seq

 29 August – 04 September 2016   First DNA Sequencing in Space For the first time ever, DNA was successfully sequenced in microgravity as part of the Biomolecule Sequencer experiment performed by NASA astronaut Kate Rubins this weekend aboard the International Space Station. Find source London super-lab opens under cloud of Brexit The UK government and …

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Seven Days in Life


 22 – 28 August 2016   Brain's chemical signals seen in real time Neuroscientists have invented a way to watch the ebb and flow of the brain's chemical messengers in real time. They were able to see the surge of neurotransmitters as mice were conditioned response to a sound. Find source   GM mustard clears hurdle …

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August Issue Published; Vol3(4)


In this forth issue of third volume, Advancements in Life Sciences has published multidisciplinary scholarly research papers from fields of Biotechnology, Health, Microbiology and Molecular Biology. This time we focused Health section for an important study on terrorism related stress prevalence. All of the contents can be accessed openly. Enjoy reading! Volume 3, Issue 4 (25 August 2016) …

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Seven Days in Life


 15 – 21 August 2016   Radically rewritten’ bacterial genome unveiled The altered Escherichia coli represent the most extensive reengineering yet of an organism’s genetic code.The feat, described today in Science, involved repurposing 3.8% of the base pairs of the bacterium Escherichia coli. Find source   Controversial insecticides linked to wild bee declines A dip in …

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Seven Days in Life


 08 – 14 August 2016   Obama Administration Set to Remove Barrier to Marijuana Research The Obama administration is planning to remove a major roadblock to marijuana research. The new policy is expected to sharply increase the supply of marijuana available to researchers. Find source   Controversy over NgAgo gene-editing intensifies Three months ago, Han Chunyu, …

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Seven Days in Life


 01 – 07 August 2016   NIH Reveals Plan to Fund Human-Animal Chimeras The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has outlined a proposal to lift a ban on funding human-animal chimera research—with conditions. Find source     Seven facts on the GSK-Google bioelectronic medicines deal Bioelectronic medicine is embryonic. But British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline and US …

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Seven Days in Life


 25 – 31 July 2016   Congo virus detected in Pakistan Advisor to Chief Minister on Health Khwaja Salman Rafiq has constituted a special team to submit a report on prevalence of Congo Fever after two cases were reported from Bahawalpur. Find source     Americans worried about using gene editing, brain chip implants and synthetic …

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