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Seven Days in Life


30 January – 05 February 2017   Researchers engineer new thyroid cells Researchers have discovered a new efficient way to generate thyroid cells, known as thyrocytes, using genetically modified embryonic stem cells. The findings are the first step to developing a similar protocol using human stem cells that will allow the modeling of thyroid disease.  Find source …

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Seven Days in Life


23 – 29 January 2017   Biotech firm backs controversial CRISPR challenger A major enzyme manufacturer has signed an agreement with a Chinese university to explore uses for a protein NgAgo claimed to be a powerful alternative to the popular genome-editing tool CRISPR–Cas9.  Find source   Organisms created with synthetic DNA pave way for new life forms …

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Seven Days in Life


16 – 22 January 2017   Inside the global campaign to get rid of rabies An estimated 59,000 people die from rabies worldwide each year, almost all infected by dogs. But the horrible suffering caused by rabies and the fact that many victims are children led the World Health Organization (WHO) and other groups in 2015 …

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Seven Days in Life


09 - 15 January 2017   A Nevada woman dies of a superbug resistant to every available antibiotic in the US Public health officials from Nevada are reporting on a case of a woman who died in Reno in September from an incurable infection. Testing showed the superbug that had spread throughout her system could fend …

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Seven Days in Life


02 – 08 January 2017   Mesentery: New organ discovered inside human body by scientists A new organ has been discovered hiding in plain sight inside the human body. Known as the mesentery, it was previously thought to be just a few fragmented structures in the digestive system. But scientists have realised it is in …

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Seven Days in Life


26 December 2016 – 01 January 2017   New York officials report the first ever case of bird flu spread from cat to human According to the NYC Department of Health, this is the first reported case of a human contracting H7N2 – a strain of influenza A virus – due to exposure from an infected …

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Seven Days in Life

Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (19 - 25 December 2016)

19 – 25 December 2016   Brace yourself for new mosquito-borne disease Karachiites may have yet another disease to look out for — chikungunya.The first case of the new viral disease reportedly surfaced at a government hospital in Malir’s Khokhrapar area. The symptoms reported are high fever and acute joint pain.  Find source   From AI …

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Seven Days in Life


12 – 18 December 2016   The science events that shaped the year Climate accords, controversial assisted reproduction and the CRISPR patent battle are among the year's top stories. Find source     Algorithms compete to predict recipe for cancer vaccine Two US nonprofit organizations plan to find out by pitting a range of computer programs …

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Seven Days in Life


04 – 11 December 2016   Stopping CRISPR’s genome-editing scissors from snipping out of control Researchers have found for the first time anti-CRISPR proteins that shut off the genome editor and shown they can use them to control the cutting of DNA in human cells. Find source     Studying embryos beyond 14 days? It’s a …

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Seven Days in Life


28 November – 04 December 2016   First new HIV vaccine efficacy study  The first HIV vaccine efficacy study to launch anywhere in seven years is now testing whether an experimental vaccine regimen safely prevents HIV infection among South African adults. Find source   Weaponized antibodies use new tricks to fight cancer After decades of frustration, efforts …

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