

International Conference on Trends and Challenges in Health Sciences (01-02 March 2023)


Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), University of the Punjab, Lahore organized an "International Conference on Trends and Challenges in Health Sciences". The focus of the event was to share the recent advancements in the field of molecular biology and the challenges faced for its applications for human disease, its treatments and prevention; and, its possible exploitation for sustainable Pakistan.

Conference Themes 

  • Virology/ microbial research,
  • Genetics and Genomics,
  •  Stem cell therapeutics,
  • Bioengineering,     
  • Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery
  • Biopharmaceuticals

Date: 01-02 March 2023

Venue: Riazzudin Auditorium, Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, Lahore – Pakistan

Please click here to download the presented abstracts.