

Seven Days in Life

23 – 29 January 2017Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (23 - 29 January 2017)


crisprBiotech firm backs controversial CRISPR challenger
A major enzyme manufacturer has signed an agreement with a Chinese university to explore uses for a protein NgAgo claimed to be a powerful alternative to the popular genome-editing tool CRISPR–Cas9.  
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dnaOrganisms created with synthetic DNA pave way for new life forms
the first living organisms to thrive with an expanded genetic code have been made by researchers in work that paves the way for the creation and exploitation of entirely new life forms.
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orgHuman organs grown in pigs? Not so fast
Despite recent successes at growing mouse organs in rats, using the same trick to grow human organs in larger animals such as pigs is a long way off, new research shows. The resulting human-animal chimeras don’t grow well, and few human cells survive.
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roboPlant biologists welcome their robot overlords
The idea of using detailed imaging to study plant form and function has caught on. The use of drones and robots is also on the rise as researchers pursue the ‘quantified plant’ — one in which each trait has been carefully and precisely measured from nearly every angle. 
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mouseRat-grown mouse pancreases help reverse diabetes in mice
Growing organs from one species in the body of another may one day relieve transplant shortages. Now researchers show that islets from rat-grown mouse pancreases can reverse disease when transplanted into diabetic mice. 
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