

Seven Days in Life

03 – 09 October 2016Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (03 - 09 October 2016)


nobelThe Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine 2016
Molecular biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi has won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work in the field of autophagy: the processes by which the cell digests and recycles its own components. 
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ageHuman age limit claim sparks debate
Analysis suggests people will never live much beyond 115 but some scientists say that it's too soon to assume a fixed shelf-life. 
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hivA new treatment erased HIV from a patient’s blood
The first of 50 patients to complete a trial for a new HIV treatment in the UK is showing no signs of the virus in his blood.  
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babyDoctors successfully transplanted a uterus from a living donor 
A Texas hospital has pulled off four uterus transplants using living donors. This is the first time procedures using living donors has been performed in the US, Time reports.
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seedSyrian seed bank gets new home away from war
A major seed bank in Aleppo, Syria, holds genes that might help researchers breed crops to survive climate change. But the conflict tearing the country apart has rendered the bank largely inaccessible for the past four years.
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