

Seven Days in Life

 11 – 17 July 2016Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (11 -17 July 2016)


HeLa-IGlobal initiative seeks 1,000 new cancer models
An international collaboration of cancer-research heavy-weights aims to grow 1,000 new cell lines for scientists to study. The Human Cancer Models Initiative announced its pilot project on 11 July, and intends to complete the initial 1,000 models within 3 years. Find source

obamajamaObama becomes first president to Publish a science article
President Barack Obama has become the first sitting president to publish an academic paper, Forbes reports. The paper, though not peer reviewed, was fact checked for 2 months before being published.
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anti impact factorAnti-impact factor! Publishing elite turns against controversial metric
American Society for Microbiology journals have eliminated impact factor information from their websites. Journal impact factors are a measure of the average number of citations that articles published by a journal. The tide is turning against the impact factor. Find source


stem cellsResearchers coax human stem cells to rapidly generate bone, heart muscle
Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have mapped out the sets of biological signals necessary to efficiently direct human embryonic stem cells to become pure populations of any of 12 cell types including bone and heart muscle cells. 
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_89021742_obesityObesity 'puts men at greater risk of early death'
Scientists say though the reasons behind the trend are unclear, the study supports others that suggest obese men are at higher risk of diabetes and have higher levels of dangerous liver fat. 
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