

Seven Days in Life

07 - 13 March 2016This Week



step hawkStephen Hawking not happy with Brexit
Prof Stephen Hawking has showed strong reservation over the idea of British leaving European Union. He referred Brexit as "disaster for UK science" in a letter co-written by 150 British scientists.
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_88738427_pic1goArtificial intelligence beats human
This week and historical game of Go was organized between a computer and world Go master Lee Se-dol. In a best of five match, computer won "comprehensively' beating human intellect. Experts are calling it a major breakthrough for artificial intelligence.
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Cas9CRISPRi after CRISPR cas9
A new modification has been made in CRISPR gene editing system. This new CRISPRi method enable scientists to reversibly and accurately suppress gene expression. This new technology is getting more and more popularity among molecular biologists.
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plastic-bottle-670x440-160310Plastic eating bacteria
A bacterium that degrades and assimilates poly(ethylene terephthalate) is discovered this week. Ideonella sakaiensis breaks down plastic by using two enzymes eventually yielding basic building blocks for growth. This specie may help to reduce the already accumulated ungradable plastic in environment. 
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