

Seven Days in Life

01 – 07 February 2016This week




11India becomes member of EMBO
India joins the European Molecular Biology Organization as associate member state (EMBO). India is second such country outside Europe to become part of this organization after Singapore. Indian scientists can now take part in EMBO research plans and programs.
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1Low cotton production may dent Pakistan's Economy
Federal minister of finance said that projected growth target (5.5pc) for the current fiscal year has got difficult to achieve owning to low production of cotton. Country is facing up to 40% cotton production loss as compared to last year. 
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111Human Embryo Editing
U.K. authorities have allowed a research group to conduct experimentation with human embryo. The group is planning to genetically modify the embryo for better understanding of human development process.
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1111Zika Virus Vaccine
Race among different research groups and institutions is on for developing against Zika virus. This virus has caused the state global health emergency kind of situation, Brazil being most effected country. Recently cases are reported from Europe as well. 
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