

Seven Days in Life

 25 October – 01 November 2015This week



si-reproducibilityReproducible Biomedical research
Research and results that cannot be reproduced is one of the most debated issues in science. Academy of Medical Sciences, jointly with the BBSRC, MRC and Wellcome Trust from UK have jointly released a report on the issue.
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DNA-EvidenceDNA evidence could bust the wrong person
Secondary transfer of ones DNA or 'touch DNA' by an intermediary contact is found to be highly likely than previously thought. Now researchers have proved that a single hand shake might take your DNA to some unwanted place. This is becoming a great challenge for forensic science and the criminal justice system.
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imagesNegative persons have dysfunctional brain reward circuits
Scientific research has revealed that experience of negative thoughts and depression are associated with the childhood adversity which sensitize the brain circuits involved with processing threat and driving the stress response. 
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chemioterapia-powoduje-rozwoj-raka'Molecular Grenades' to destroy cancer
The Nanomedicine Lab in Manchester has developed a 'nano' strategy against tumors by designing liposomes that are intact at normal body temperature. But when the temperature rises (as at cancerous spots) to 42C they explode killing cells nearby. 
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