

Seven Days in Life

22 – 28 January 2018Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (22 - 28 January 2018)


humanFirst monkey clones created in Chinese laboratory
Two monkeys have been cloned using the technique that produced Dolly the sheep. The animals may be useful for studying cancers and immune disorders. Find source


darwinAnti-Darwin comments in India outrage scientists
Researchers and government officials have condemned the statements of a junior minister who questioned the theory of evolution. Find source



humanChinese scientists say they have 'no plan' to clone humans
Despite fears of a 'slippery slope', researchers confirm 'social ethics would by no means allow that practice'. Find source



mosMosquitoes remember human smells, but also swats
A new study shows that mosquitoes can rapidly learn and remember the smells of hosts. The study proved a mosquito's preference can shift if that person's smell is associated with an unpleasant sensation. Find source


Alarm_call_2The bacterial 'Game of Thrones'
Now, researchers have shed light on this area of bacterial behavior, revealing that they approach conflict in much the same way as a human platoon, responding to a threat with a coordinated, collective retaliation. Find source


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