

Seven Days in Life

 18 – 24 July 2016Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life  (18- 24 July 2016)


1Chinese scientists to pioneer first human CRISPR trial
Chinese scientists are on the verge of being first in the world to inject people with cells modified using the CRISPR–Cas9 gene-editing technique. 
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iTurkey purges universities after failed coup
More than a thousand Turkish university staff have been ordered to resign their faculty leadership positions — and others expect to be sacked — in the aftermath of the country’s failed coup on 15 July. 
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2Plant-based Polio booster vaccine
Scientists have developed an oral vaccine booster for polio by manipulating plants. Tests with sera from immunized mice show that the booster confers immunity against all three serotypes of polio. 
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6Human brain mapped in unprecedented detail
Neuroscientists have charted a map of the brain’s outermost layer — the cerebral cortex — subdividing each hemisphere's mountain- and valley-like folds into 180 separate parcels. 
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3Johns Hopkins biologists find protein that bolsters growth of damaged muscle tissue
Johns Hopkins University biologists have found that a protein that plays a key role in the lives of stem cells can bolster the growth of damaged muscle tissue.
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