

Seven Days in Life

 04 – 10 July 2016Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (04 July 2016)


0,,19115983_303,00Remember Dolly? The sheep wasn't the only animal clone
Cloning is and has always been a highly controversial procedure that raises a slew of ethical issues, including animal welfare. The European Parliament voted to ban the cloning of all farm animals and the sale of cloned livestock. 
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810Bug in functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging software calls 15 years of research into question
Three of the most popular pieces of software for functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) were all found to have false positive rates of up to 70 per cent. These findings could invalidate "up to 40,000 papers". 
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160704223415_1_900x600Engineers design programmable RNA vaccines
Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineers have developed a new type of easily customizable vaccine that can be manufactured in one week, allowing it to be rapidly deployed in response to disease outbreaks. 
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160705120026_1_900x600Higher consumption of unsaturated fats linked with lower mortality rates
The researchers found higher consumption of saturated and trans fats was linked with higher mortality compared with the same number of calories from carbohydrates. 
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160705135353_1_900x600Parkinson's Disease biomarker found in patient urine samples
Stored samples of urine and cerebral-spinal fluid from patients with Parkinson's disease hold a brand-new type of biomarker — a phosphorylated protein that correlates with the presence and severity of Parkinson's disease.
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