

Seven Days in Life

 30 May – 05 June 2016Advancements in Life Sciences' Seven Days in Life (29 May - 05 June 2016)


cancer medicine'New era' of personalised cancer drugs, say doctors
Cancer is entering a "new era" of personalised medicine with drugs targeted to the specific weaknesses in each patient's tumour, say doctors.
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synthesize genomePlan to synthesize human genome triggers mixed response
Proposals for a large public–private initiative to synthesize an entire human genome from scratch — an effort that could take a decade and require billions of dollars in technological development — were formally unveiled on 2 June.
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cancer cureWhy cancer is so hard to beat: Is it evolution?
A new study may have identified one of the key reasons why cancer is so hard to beat; it’s an evolutionary mechanism to protect the survival of life on Earth.
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cangeneticsfReading between the genes
For a long time dismissed as 'junk DNA,' we now know that also the regions between the genes fulfill vital functions. Scientists have now developed a method to find regulatory DNA regions which are active and controlling genes.
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memScientists discover new protein crucial to normal forgetting
A new aspect of how the process forgetting works has been uncovered by researchers. The finding indicates a protein called 'Scribble' orchestrates the intracellular signaling processes for forgetting, joining several molecules to forge a pathway.
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