

Seven Days in Life

08 – 14 February 2016This week




INDUSTRYAir pollution takes 5.5 million lives annually
Power plants, vehicle exhaust, industrial manufacturing, burning coal and other related environmentally hazardous pollutants account for 5.5 million human lives every year now. More than half of deaths occur in two of the world's fastest growing economies, China and India.
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A synthetic interview with the father of evolutionary theory, now available as a smartphone app, teaches students and the public about the famed biologist. 
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brainHow we remember few things from past and others not?
Well! It is biological. Scientists have found tha our brains prioritize rewarding memories over others, and reinforce them by replaying them when we are at rest, according to new research.​ 
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genes_1.1Our genes becomes what we eat
Availability of nutrients to cells influence our genes. Almost all of our genes may be influenced by the food we eat, suggests new research published. 
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