

Seven Days in Life

21 - 27 September 2015This week



VirusesAre viruses alive?
Another argument arose in favor of 'alive' viruses to augment the 'viruses are dead/alive' debate. Scientists take back it to the time when cells and viruses were not its shape as today. Virus’s role in evolution of cell makes them alive, they say. 
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0,,17082362_303,00Germany starts searching for scientists among refugees 
As thousands of refugees arriving at Germany and a great problem of their settlement is boiling, authorities in German government have come up with a brilliant idea. Now they are expecting and accepting scientists from those masses.
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8-9-11-warm-cold-blood-dinosWere there any cold weather dinosaurs?
From a remote part of Alaska, skeletal remains of a 30 feet long dinosaurs. This herbivore is expected to have endured snow and months of super cold winter darkness.
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Scissors-genome-CRISPR-ShutterstockBetter than CRISPR
"This has dramatic potential to advance genetic engineering" says the scientist who with his team discovered another CRISPR system which is better for human genome editing than the previous they reported. The application of the CRISPR system for genome editing was first reported in 2013. 
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heartNow we know why our heart is so powerful
A bunch of previously unknown proteins are discovered this week which are responsible for the 'contractility' of heart. Characterization of these proteins will solve complex puzzle of heart pumping. 
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