

Seven Days in Life

14 – 20 September 2015This week



Slippery-slope-to-designer-babiesU.K researcher seeks permission for editing embryonic genes
UK researcher Kathy Niakan, a developmental biologist, who is investigating the expression of early genes in embryonic cells hopes to use genome editing technology. However, the legal implications of the study are still under consideration
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back_half_template“Tree of Life”- Largest Evolutionary tree for 2.3 million species
A collaborative effort of 11 institutes released the largest tree of life for 2.3 million known species on earth by combining thousands of smaller trees published over the years. The tree is openly accessible like a digital resource of evolutionary relationships.
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110678_0Caffeine before bedtime disturbs human circadian clock
If your mom ever made coffee before bedtime then don’t drink it. Latest research has found out that late evening coffee affects the cellular timekeeping of the human body and alters the sleep wake cycle.
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mitochondria-licensedApoptic Pathway can be controlled through Mitochondria
Scientist have found a mitochondrial surface protein that works as an apoptic switch causing cell death. Study suggests that by blocking this switch we can hinder cell death in treatment of cardiovascular diseases. 
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Ivan_Pavlov_NLM2Ivan Pavlov
This week in history we remember the pioneer of the physiology of digestion, Ivan Pavlov, through which knowledge on vital aspects of the subject has been transformed and enlarged. 
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