

Seven Days in Life

17 – 23 August 2015



2015_Nepal_depremi_(3)Typhoid Crises in Nepal
Another devastating news emerging from Nepal as post-earthquake conditions are increasing risk of a typhoid epidemic. Investigators say that an immediate countrywide vaccination programme is necessary otherwise this epidemic will be more disastrous than the earthquake.
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Tecido_adiposo_multilocular_brown_adipose_tissueIntroducing the Weight Reducing Brown Fat Implants
Scientists at University of California, implanted artificial brown-fat depositing stem cells in mice that burns energy and reduces weight. The expected results of their study has shown beneficial effects on metabolism and body temperature. 
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FlyingThroughNanotubeCarbon Nanofibres from Atmospheric CO2
Surely, a technology that pays. Scientists have developed an innovative strategy that pulls atmospheric CO2 from air and after a series of electrochemical events, converts it into valuable carbon nanofibres, thereby decreasing the level of CO2   polluting the atmosphere.
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Greek_Parliament_-_Plenary_Hall_-_16_November_2011Greek Parliament Approves Bailout and Release Research Funds
Researchers pleased over the approval of 3rd bailout by the Greek Parliament in the current economic crises, after a long silence. Surely, it is an encouraging progress for scientists who seek funding to plan and continue their research work. 
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Hamilton Smith, 2012Hamilton O. Smith
The great discoverer of “Restriction enzymes”, Himilton O. Smith was born on 23rd August, 1931. His phenomenal research on restriction enzymes and their applications in molecular genetics pioneered modern genetic engineering for which he was awarded Nobel Prize. 
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