26 July - 02 August 2015 Poster
Putting Ebola to its End
A vaccine produced by Merck is claimed to having 100% success against Ebola virus which is now 18 months long epidemic. This virus claimed hundreds of lives in Africa and stirred a worldwide concern in early 2015. FInd source
Restarting heart? Are you serious?
Cancer-prone cell are put to good use in this week by using their proliferative property to regenerate the cardiac cell without turning into cancer. This work is going to have great impact on age related cardiac repairmen cases. Find source
Background music can influence you to spend more
Do you ever wonder why big malls and restaurants have beautiful background playing all the time? Research surfacing this week found the reason. Your subconscious is influenced by the music and you spend more on things. Find source
Placebo Treatment for Parkinson's disease
Scientists have discovered that placebo drugs (drugs with no active ingredients) have equivalent effect as the dopamine controlling pills. This concludes that our brain has powers to heal the system by simply believing. Find source
Research chimps are not ‘legal persons’ – the decision has been done
A long standing dispute got settled this week when New York Supreme Court ruled that writ of habeas corpus didn’t apply on two research chimps. This writ gives rights to individual as “challenge their detention”. The case in chimps favor was filed by NhRP in December 2013. Find source