

Seven Days in Life

This weekThis week a new wave of tech advancements emerged from the world of science. App developers launched a fun interacting application locating millions of living species nearby. DNA masterminds saved the day by reuniting 800 families with their missing children through DNA typing and gene therapists explored yet another possibility of treating cystic fibrosis. Different prospects of pain-feeling responses in humans also added a new puzzle in gender studies and unfortunately this week we also came across the scandalous fraud case for data fabrication regarding HIV vaccine trials whose culprit has been sentenced for 57 months in jail.


29 June – 05 July 2015



boy-509488_640DNA – Reuniting Families
Around 1.2 million children are trafficked globally each year. Most of them are too young to remember their families after few years. Now the situation is about to get changed. Geneticist Jose Lorente has started a program to reunite these kids with their families with the help of DNA typing. FInd source

imagesA "too severe" punishment awarded to biomedical scientist
57 months in jail, US$7.2 million and banned from federal funding for science project. This punishment is awarded this week to a biomedical scientist for purposefully fabricating results of HCV vaccines trails which were conducted on mice. 
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iphone-676767_640"Map of Life"
Did you enjoy watching "Tree of Life"? Now its applications developers launched a app called "Map of Life". Scientists at Yale University worked together almost every living known specie in this app. Main aim of this app is to providing people an easy access to information of life living around. 
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dna-163466_640New hope looped for gene therapy of system
Promising results of gene therapy are witnessed against cystic fibrosis during a phase two of a randomized trial. This gene therapy involves a normal and functional copy of gene replacing the defunct one. This advancement is a new light of hope for cystic fibrosis patients andgene therapy as well.
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hurt_by_blackjack0919-d74gtv7Why females feel more pain than males
This week an amazing study popped up discovering different prospects of pain-feeling in different genders. Scientists reported that different and (may be more) types of cells carry pain signals in females than males. This experiment is conducted on mice manipulating microglia cells. 
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Professor_Gerald_M._EdelmanGerald M. Edelman
This week let us remember the birthday Dr. Edelman, a Nobel Laureate. His major domain of research and study was medicine. His esteem and high motivation for his research got him Noble Prize in 1972 for his work in Physiology or Medicine. 
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