

Seven Days in Life

This weekThis week we observed some new trends in life sciences starting from the celebration of cephalopod week on twitter to raise awareness, to the joint venture of two Tech-giants, Hitachi and Qiagen with the aim of creating wonders in molecular biology. Forensic scientists introduced a new term called molecular photo fitting that analyzes faces from DNA is also a novel method for hunting criminals. Still, the alarming news this week is the declaration of a mass extinction period arriving soon, according to researchers, threatening all life forms on earth including humans.


15 – 21 June 2015



fisg#CephalopodWeek Trending on Twitter
Happy cephalopod week! Social media invites people to celebrate the highly intelligent and clever invertebrates, cephalopods, to raise awareness and bring attention to their diversity and conservation. FInd source

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHitachi High-Tech in Collaboration with Qiagen
Two industrial giants, Hitachi High-Tech and Qiagen, have joined to develop molecular testing tools based on new automation systems and technologies. Experts are hopeful that this collaboration will bring innovative transformation in both basic research and routine molecular diagnostics. FInd source



V0026575 Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins. Photograph by F.A. Swaine LtdSir Frederick Hopkins 
This week in history we remember the outstanding contributions of Sir Frederick Hopkins born on 20th June, 1861. From discovering methods of isolating tryptophan, glutathione and uric acid to demonstrating metabolic changes in muscular contractions, Sir Hopkins pioneered in every walk of science.
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planetWARNING! A sixth mass extinction phase is nearing Earth
The earth we call home has entered into a new mass extinction period due to the rapid disappearance of living species. This study published in Science Advances journal shows that around 41% of amphibians and 25% of mammals are on the brink of extinction and its rate is 100 times faster than normal. 
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frCriminal faces reconstructed from DNA
Crime scenes reveals a lot about the criminal, even their faces. Scientists nowadays have developed extraordinary genetic markers from DNA that can build up the criminal’s picture. This practice known as molecular photo fitting uses 20 to 200 genes to build a clear face. 
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