

Seven Days in Life

This week

In 10th week of our continuous updates, we found quite amazing researches from life science domains. Scientists got breakthrough in development of limb in lab conditions. Hopefully they would be making more like them. A new blood test is now in spotlight which can diagnose almost every type of virus in one single test. Secret to long life of women got discovered and it's in their stem cells. On darker side, a pandemic of Chikungunya virus is about to erupt like Ebola and Dengue. And be aware, type – 2 diabetes could be due to bacteria.


01 – 07 June, 2015



organLimbs in lab
Hopes are high for the people who lose their limbs and other extremities in accidents. Scientists have grown a functional limb from cells of rat in laboratory conditions without the help of body. In near future, amputees might be receiving fully functional and biological arms or legs or feet. FInd source

tiger-mosquito-49141_640And now it’s Chikungunya
After the deadly waves of dengue and Ebola, another tough tropical virus called Chikungunya is now invading different many countries all around the globe. To date, 3 million infection are recorded. Asian tiger mosquito is helping virus to spread rapidly.
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staphStaphylococcus aureus can cause type – 2 diabetes
Bacterial side of the type – 2 diabetes revealed this week. Scientists have confirmed that a prolonged exposure to Staphylococcus aureus increases the odds of getting type – 2 diabetes. And like it or not, obese persons do have more of this kind of bacteria.
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epiGerms cells are fresh and more unbiased than previously thought
A unique gene regulatory network has been found which resets the human germline epigenome for development. New germs cells, both sperms and eggs, mends all the effects of environmental pressure on parents DNA which was thought to be inherited, earlier. Find source

detection kitVirScan – scans your past infected life
A new method of virus screening is surfaced having potential of detecting 1000 known human infecting viruses in one assay from a single drop of blood. This amazing innovation came from Howard Hughes Medical Institute which would save tons of time by a profiling all the infecting virus at once
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100 years ageWhy women live longer than men? Stem cell may clue us in
About 95% of the people having age more than 100 years are women by gender. The reason for this trend is unknown but one thing got clear this week that longevity of age depends upon the quality and number of stem cell you still have. Healthier the stem cells more are the chances to live a longer life.
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